Based on high recommendation from the store owner, I bought this gorgeous tape dispenser from Kiosk in New York earlier this year (such a great store – see here).
It’s already paid for itself 100 times over, as we’re not only using it to box loads of wholesale orders, we’re also boxing the entire studio, where I’ve been for four years (OMG! Why do I still have all the ExpandOS that came with my Heath Ceramics order? Why am I incapable of chucking them out?), and moving to brand new studio / shop premises in Bree Street.
The big move starts on Friday, so service will be interrupted on this blog, as the studio is effectively siphoned through a tunnel of cardboard boxes and is sprayed out (neatly) a few blocks away. If only it were that easy, eh?
Exciting times! Can’t wait to share the pics that show progress since last week. See you on the other side!